Become a committee Member
Here is an overview of how you can become a Committee Member and what to expect.
What is a Committee Member?
The Democratic Party is organized by a national committee, 50 state committees, and numerous county and local committees within each state. Locally, we have the Monroe County Democratic Committee, in addition to a number of other committees in Greece, Henrietta, Irondequoit, Rochester and other municipalities.
Who are Committee Members?
Committee Members are technically unpaid elected officials who serve a two-year term and must reside in the Assembly District in which they are elected. In Henrietta, each Election District has four Committee Member positions.
What do Committee Members Do?
Committee Members help to choose and elect Democratic candidates for elected offices. The Committee can also adopt platforms and endorse candidates, even in primaries.
The Henrietta Democratic Committee meets about once a month, but attendance is not mandatory. Outside of that, Committee Members may be actively involved in campaigns and volunteering in our community.
When are meetings?
The Henrietta Democratic Committee meets regularly on the fourth Thursday of each month, from 7-8pm, at the Henrietta Town Hall, lower level, 475 Calkins Rd, Rochester, NY 14623. On occasion, the meeting location or date/time might change, so be sure to check our Meetings page or join our email list to get updates.
*We do adhere to COVID regulations
Why should I become a Committee Member?
Since the Henrietta Democratic Committee was reorganized in 2014, we are fortunate to have generated a tremendous amount of interest from residents who want to get involved. Being a Committee Member gives you a voice in the Democratic Party and our community.
How do I become a Committee Member?
There are a couple of steps to becoming a Committee Member.
You must be a registered Democrat residing in the 138th Assembly District, which includes the towns of Henrietta and Chili, plus parts of the City of Rochester.
We can help you find an open seat on Committee, ideally in your Election District or one that is nearby.
You will either need to collect some petition signatures from your neighbors or be appointed to fill a vacancy.
The petition process happens every two years (e.g. 2018, 2020, 2022 etc.). The timeline for petitioning is set by the Board of Elections.
You will only need to collect about a dozen or so signatures from registered Democrats, depending on the size of the Election District. The Committee can help provide you with proper petition forms and a list of registered Democrats.
Are you interested in joining? If so, stop by one of our next meetings or contact us to learn more!